• 480 Tesconi Circle, Suite B, Santa Rosa, CA 95401
  • Call: 707-919-3463
  • 24-hr Crisis Line - 988

Key Services

time unlimited support

Time-Unlimited Support

Provides clients with services and needed support for as long as the individual identifies the need for them.


Direct Services

Individuals receive telehealth, telephone, or in-person services as identified by the individual as the most beneficial to them or where support is most needed.


Team Approach

Individuals work with an interdisciplinary team that blends the knowledge and skills of professionals from multiple disciplines. Psychiatrists, Nurse Practitioners, mental health professionals, and substance-abuse specialists join together to give individuals ongoing, individualized care.

Comprehensive Care

Comprehensive Care

Provides an array of services to help meet client needs such as medication management, vocational services, substance abuse services, and other services to help clients sustain community living at the highest level of functioning.


Crisis Intervention

Staff Services are available during business operation hours. The staff is trained to complete a risk assessment, triage, and provide safe referrals to the level of care needed.


Flexible Care

Staff manages their schedules around the needs of the clients.